Cha Cha Changing Our Nightly Debates

Some enjoy weekday television watching to relieve the workday stress. Some cook a bountiful dinner to share with their family.

My boyfriend and I like to debate. A lot. Anything. Anytime.

We try to contain these debates to our living room post-work, but they often filter into public places: restaurants, checkout lines, movie theaters…

Tina, 68. Tina's legs, 47. (Source: Times Online)

Tina Turner, 68. Tina's legs, 47. (Source: Times Online)

Most often, these debates are not cerebral in nature. Typically, they’re solved by simple fact-checking. For example, we just were discussing Tina Turner’s age and we desperately wanted to resolve our debate over whether she was in her 60s or 70s. (FYI – she’s 68. I lost two bucks.)

Now, if we’re at home, we turn to Wikipedia (which, yes, is not always 100 percent factual, but it’s close enough for our purposes). But let’s be honest, we’re often at a nice, relaxing dinner out where the debate cannot be solved instantly. Well, until now.

Angus or Malcolm?

Angus or Malcolm?

I’m about to introduce him to Betting on the birthdate of George W. Bush? Determining if the population of Milwaukee is bigger or smaller than Pittsburgh? Debating whether Angus or Malcolm Young is the older of the two AC/DC brothers? (Note to self: Quit betting on ages of rock stars in bands you don’t listen to. You always lose.) Send a text message off to 242-242 and await a human-powered text message response.

ChaCha isn’t a new service (it’s been around since 2006), but if it helps you solve any instantaneous debates, I’m happy to help.

And, yes, to answer the burning question: Angus is younger than Malcolm. But, let’s be honest: neither have aged well and Angus is not looking good.