Twas the … A Fast Horse Parody

Twas the day before the holidayshappy-holidays
and throughout Fast Horse,
all the ponies were still working
and wrapping up their discourse.

Planning and speech writing
and phone calls galore;
Seeking out new ways to
get our foot in the door.

With few pressing deadlines
and a blizzard on the way,
Coca-Cola and coffee
helped us get through the day.

When out of the blue
a festivus arose!
All joined the celebration,
due to free pizza, I suppose.

The office was lively
with holiday cheer.
Bad holiday music
Rang in our ears.

Poinsettias on the tables,
Green Mill pies in our tummies.
We took a break to celebrate
and tell tales that were funny.

Memories of past ponies and clients were shared.
We tweeted our merriment
for all who cared.

Then quickly back to work-
Need to get the job done!
I must finish my post
or I’ll be the last one.

When the New Year begins
we’ll hit the ground running-
new projects, new clients,
new business to keep us humming.

But with the threat of the
snow storm and with no beer in sight,
We locked up the shop
and bid each other good night.

We have much to be thankful for
and we’d just like to say,
we wish you and your loved ones
a safe and happy holiday!