A New Place To Call Home

As of this writing, I’ve been a homeowner for exactly 15 days. As a total newbie first-time homebuyer, the process has been equal parts intimidating, overwhelming and rewarding.

img_18121And in fitting fashion, the writing of this very post was actually interrupted by an urgent trip to Home Depot, where I forked $208.41 into my new favorite money pit.

I’d approximate it to be the ninth such trip I’ve taken over the past couple of weeks — but at least this one didn’t warrant an immediate return trip. And hey, “at least I’m building equity,” as they say. And now that I’m one of THEM, I volunteer my take on the good, the bad and the ugly of homeownership, two weeks in.

The good

  • Having a big ol’ lawn to tend to. The apple truly doesn’t fall far from the tree, I guess. Because like my dad and his dad before him, as head greenskeeper of the newest Koch residence, I aim to keep every blade of grass in check.
The family history of Augusta National-like residential lawns.

The family history of Augusta National-like residential lawns.

  • Learning to do new things. It’s kind of empowering to go to school at Home Depot. I’ll never be a handyman, but I’ve learned a couple of hack’s tricks.
  • Pride of ownership. Because it’s nice to see the results of said hack work pay off, and share it with those around you.
  • This barn shed view from the kitchen sink.
  • The creativity-stoking possibilities of design and home improvement projects, big and small. Did I mention I’ve started to watch HGTV? I think I’d like to rehab that barn shed…

The bad

  • Cha-ching!
  • Having no cheat sheet. Google can only take you so far when it comes to learning the little idiosyncrasies of a 60-plus-year-old building. The walls don’t talk.

The ugly

  • Creeping Charlie. A force that’s currently threatening the fine fairways of Koch National and its neighboring turf, it will be reckoned with. There’s a new sheriff in town next spring.
  • Seasonal insects and pests. In just 15 days, I’ve learned more than I care to admit about the preferred habitats, preventative measures and eradication methods associated with our less pleasant and lesser-seen “neighbors.”
  • Cardboard boxes, everywhere. But, because we’ll end this list by focusing on the positive, they’re soon to be picked up. Thanks to a cardboard box rental service found prior to the move, some 30 boxes – including the big wardrobe ones with hanging bars – were hand-delivered and will soon be put to use by another newb like me. Reduce, reuse, recycle.

There’s no telling what’ll prompt my next visit to Home Depot, or when it’ll be, but I have no doubt it’ll be worth it. I like this homeownership thing, and turning this house into our home has been a happy chore.
