
The Best (Overlooked) Movies Of 2013

Just because a bunch of old, white Oscar voters didn’t see these movies doesn’t mean you shouldn’t either.

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A Trend Towards Intimacy

Smart brands like apparel company Bonobos realize they need to do more to personally reach out to their customers. They let them know they share the same ideals, that they know what you’re going through, that we’re all in this together.

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We Can All Do More

It’s easy to turn a blind eye to tragedies half a world away, but there’s so much we can do to help. Now is the time for all of us to step up and aid storm victims in the Philippines.

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The Importance Of Perspective: A Travelogue

Or: How stepping outside your comfort zone is a good thing now and then.

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The Cord-Cutting Revolution Is Nigh

Juggernauts like ESPN and HBO considering a-la-carte options for their content means the cord-cutting revolution will be televised….on your iPad.

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The Summer That Broke Hollywood

Hollywood has to change. Studios can’t keep playing Russian roulette on ‘sure fire’ hits that cost $500 million or more to make and market. Hollywood needs to realize that there is a diverse audience that wants to see a diverse slate of movies, not just CGI-fests that turn the world to rubble.

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The Arc Of Content Will Always, Over Time, Bend Toward Free

By now, most everyone has heard the famous quote from Martin Luther King, Jr., about how “the arc of the […]

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Summer Blockbuster Franchise Explosion-aganza-palooza-gedden

Breaking down the latest installments of three of the most epic trilogies of ALL TIME — going head to head-to-head in a desperate bid for Memorial Day greatness.

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The Kickstarter Fallacy

Multi-million dollar goals being reached. Feature films getting made with Hollywood talent. Products getting launched. Everyone’s happy, right? Not necessarily.

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Intellectual Property And Creating Infinities

Intellectual property is often seen as a legal four-letter word. But for those who create, it is key to harnessing the power of the unknown possibilities of their work.

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